Friday, March 9, 2007

And So It Begins

Okay. So, the whole advertising thing is going very well. I'm averaging about 4 - 6 new members per day via Hits4Pay; I even have a handful of referrals who actually get the concept. Now comes the time of getting the whole team on board and involved. What will it take? I thought free money would be enough, but I'm being proven wrong. So it begins: pumping up the team.

This is new to me, really. I'm used to direct contact. Not really sales, but definitely nerves (hey, I'm shy). Sure, I've been in this field for some time, but the way I used to market has changed---it had to! Nevertheless, I'm finding my new niche and finding it kinda rapidly.

What's working best? I'm finding that the new idea of networking with others who are at or above the level I am is really my key. It's a basic concept that I've used before, but it's really being blown out the water here. I use this blog and a
MySpace page to help us all network. We're using the same ads and sometimes the ad networks get over crowded. I'm hoping to create a hub where we can communicate to avoid those type of common pitfalls. So far, very good.

Time for Chinese 3am, ha!

- Kimberly

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