Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ad Fliers for Get Paid To (GPT) Programs

You now have many members in your GPT downline. Most of
which--I'm sure--came by promoting online. Now it's time to
take the same ideas and move them offline; it's time to move
into your local community.

Many of you know that I design. I have provided fliers for
group use to help you promote your "Get Paid To" programs
offline. All you simply do is e-mail me a message (homeskeh at yahoo) with the
subject titled "Ad Fliers" and I will reply with the attachments.
There are two: one for GPT programs in general and one
specifically for Hits4Pay.

What can you do with these fliers? Well, for one, they can be
posted at local coffee shops, supermarkets, and other locations.
When you request the fliers, more specific instructions and
ideas will be provided, so that you have some waters to
navigate in.

Remember: when you begin to take these small steps,
you will be very happy with the end results.

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